Spin quartets, sonification of the XY model
Spin quartets, sonification of the XY model
Vogt, Katharina and Höldrich, Robert and Pirrò, David and Gattringer, Christof
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2010

We present an intuitive sonification of data from a statistical physics model, the XY-spin model. Topological structures (anti-/vortices) are hidden to the eye by random spin movement. The behavior of the vortices changes by crossing a phase transition as a function of the temperature. Our sonification builds on basic acoustic properties of phase modulation. Only interesting structures like anti-/vortices remain heard, while everything else falls silent, without additional computational effort. The researcher interacts with the data by a graphical user interface. The sonification can be extended to any lattice model where locally turbulent structures are embedded in rather laminar fields.